Head, shoulders, knees and toes..

My practice model allows me to approach orthopedic physical therapy from a full body approach simply due to the fact that insurance is not involved. So, when you are working with me, expect to address everything and receive better, likely faster results because of it.

Don’t be surprised if you book an initial evaluation with main orthopedic concerns of low back pain and we look at your ankle mobility, foot posture, arch strength, your movement preferences, knee cap mobility, hip strength, and mobility, even your pelvic floor and rib cage mobility! Of course we will also be assessing your spine and will absolutely be explaining how the rest of the body is affecting what you are experiencing as low back pain. 

 You’d be amazed how the body compensates. The body is always going to take the easiest route, which I'm sure you can guess, isn’t always the smartest route and can be the stem for aches and pains. 

I’m here to assess, identify compensations, listen and address your concerns, and create a plan to crush your goals! I enjoy helping those living with low back pain, shoulder, hip, knee, or ankle concerns and will give you the tools to thrive! 

Sports physical therapy has a similar practice model, but their main goal is to return the athlete to play with full preparation for competition! Think of our journey together similarly- only maybe your goal is to return to running, back to pickleball, or working out how it used to be pre-kids (ahem- no leaking!), or just back to the times when you were doing ALL the things and weren’t in pain! You are still considered a female athlete in my book!  

My goal is to help guide you to getting there, and getting your life back so you can do all of the things with your kids, or for yourself that you WISH you could do! 

I love making your plan of care customized to you and incorporating relative things you love into treatment! For example, if you are trying to return to tennis after a calf tear, we are going to work on plyometrics and agility specific movements you need in order to return to tennis STRONGER than you were when you got injured- not just “back to your baseline.”